Jamaica (Home)

The Past Students' Association was incorporated in January 2016 as a Limited Liability Company with non-profit status. The members of the Board are:

Dr. Omar Davies(Chairman), Stephen Charoo (Company Secretary), Directors: Prince Myers, Jennifer Mendes, Radcliff Knibbs, Saundra Bailey, Prudence Simpson and Jennes Anderson. The first General Meeting was held on September 30, 2017 where a 5 member executive body was elected.

The committee members are Saundra Bailey, President; Prudence Simpson, Vice President, Lavern Salmon, Secretary; Prince Myers, Treasurer; Renée Mair, PR Officer.

New York, USA

For over forty years, the small and dedicated members of the New York Chapter of the Glenmuir Alumni Association have been working relentlessly to support multiple activities of the school. Through varying fundraisers such as the annual dinner and dance and its annual Fish Fry held in the summer, the New York chapter lives the Jamaican adage “likkle but tallawah”. The proceeds from these initiatives have assisted in providing lab equipment, purchasing the coaster bus, refurbishing the computer lab, as well as sizeable contributions to the scholarship and welfare fund annually.

The committee members are Andre Wallas, President; Dinsmore Campbell, VP; Ann Heslop, Secretary; Sonia Bartley-Thompson, PR Officer; Hyacinth Thomas, Treasurer and members Rhonda Defreitas and Ann Culver.

Toronto, Canada

Led by Ms. Gail Reeves.

London, UK

Led by Ms. Kerry Ganna. View the Uk chapter's website here

South Florida, USA

Led by Mr. Fitzroy Benjamin.