Fellow Alumni,
2020 has been a year filled with unprecedented events. COVID-19 has adversely impacted the lives of all of us in so many ways. We offer our condolences and prayers to those who lost loved ones and salute those who continue to serve us, at great risk, on the front line. We are relieved that the coronavirus vaccine is a reality and we offer our congratulations to our fellow alumna, Nurse Sandra Lindsay who was among the first persons to receive the vaccine in the United States. We last saw Sandra at our Brunch in 2019 and we are inspired by her courage and contribution to the Health Sector.
Christmas is a time of reflection and preparation for the Hope that the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ represents. As we celebrate with our families, we are conscious that many of us will not be able to do so in person. However, we are resilient and we know that one day soon, social distancing and masking will be a thing of the past. We look forward to the day when we can spend Christmas in closer social settings.
On behalf of the Past Students’ Association, I wish for every member of the Glenmuir Family, a peaceful and joyous Christmas. May you find renewed hope this Advent Season and we wish you and yours abundant blessings in 2021 and beyond.
Semper Flagrans!
Saundra Boreland-Bailey, Class of 1976
President, Glenmuir High School Past Students’ Association – Local Chapter