Glenmuir High Celebrates 61 Years

Maroon banners of pride were erected at 10 Glenmuir Road in May Pen as staff and students, past and present, gathered to celebrate Glenmuir High School’s 61st anniversary. The celebrations were preceded by an annual church service, which acting vice-principal Patricia Meikle said was necessary and in keeping with the principles governing the Anglican-based institution. “We’re an Anglican institution, so we believe in giving God the glory always. It’s a wonderful way to start.”

The day’s celebrations also witnessed the naming of the school’s auditorium in honour of the institution’s founding principal, Dr Sydney Scott – a project spearheaded by the Past Students’ Association’s (PSA) local chapter.

President of the Past Students’ Association-local chapter, Saundra Bailey, said it is important to honour founding stalwarts who have helped in building the school and its history, adding that it was of particular importance to honour the institution’s first principal. Bailey said members of the association were welcoming and supportive of the project.

2 Million Dollar Pledge

“On March 10 of this year, the Past Students’ Association made a pledge of $2 million for the refurbishing of this auditorium. Since then, we have been able to secure additional donations from our overseas chapters and the wider alumni, who make individual contributions.”

Another project spearheaded by the PSA is the school’s solar panel project, which the president said has positively impacted the school. “This has generated savings in electricity costs for the school, and we are hoping that these well-needed savings can be used elsewhere in the school.”

Principal of the Clarendon-based institution, Dr Marsha Smalling, said the school boasts a strong record of achievement since inception, adding that it was an inestimable privilege serving as principal as the school celebrates 61 years of existence. “We have had so much achievements over the last 61 years, and most importantly for me is honouring our very first principal, Dr Sydney Scott. He had a great vision for the school, he lived the vision and thank God, you’ve had successive past students who have succeeded him as principal, so it’s a proud moment.”

Smalling added that the aim for the school’s 62nd year is to introduce a Glenmuir Hall of Fame, honouring past students who have done well and continue to impact Jamaica and the world.


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