17-year-old Glenmuir High student Tamra Bryan is a scholar who not only wants to go places, but she wants to bring her girls with her, too. In addition to attaining grade ones in CSEC Math, English, Information Technology, Geography, Building and Furniture Tech, Technical Drawing, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Principles of Business, Bryan founded the XXCeptional Movement, which aims to inspire and motivate young girls to be the best versions of themselves that they can.
What’s her secret recipe to being both a teen motivator and excel academically, you ask?
“I prepared for exams by trying not to procrastinate,” she told teenAGE. “The best thing to do is to find your technique and your style and stick to it.”
But though she did not hesitiate to study, Tamra was anxious about some of her results, especially Information Technology.
“I was most surprised by my grade for Information Technology as at first it was not my strongest area,” she confessed. “But I thank God, my parents and my siblings, as well as my extended family, for their priceless support.”
After her clean sweep of CSEC subjects, Tamra plans to tackle CAPE this academic year.
“Along with doing well in CAPE, I hope to continue growing my movement and through God I believe I’ll do just as well once more,” she said.